Social Responsibility


  1. 為提供客戶最佳服務品質,推動綠色產品與營運持續管理計畫 。
  2. 參加工業區工安活動,分享交流實務經驗,榮獲經濟部工業局頒發工安楷模獎項
  3. 落實廠內勞工安全與承攬商管理,並安排各項內外部專業與階層別訓練/演練,96年後廠內未發生失能傷害意外事故。
  4. 接受各專業機構輔導與協助,持續推動污染防治、節能省碳等各項環保措施,朝向企業永續經營方向努力。
  5. 加強工業衛生管理,定期辦理員工健康檢查,分析追蹤健檢資料,促進員工健康。
 Corporate Social Responsibility Management Manual


  • In order to ensure that the workplace of VPEC is safe, that VEPC’ s employees are treated with respect and dignity, and that business operations are environmentally responsible and conducted ethically, VPEC adopts the principles and requirements of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct to establishes the Corporate Social Responsibility Management Manual. (hereinafter referred to as the “Manual")

  • All kinds of our business activities of VPEC which includes labor, health and safety, environment, ethics, management systems would fully comply with the laws and regulations of the country or region where VPEC operates in.

 Social Responsibility Supplier Corporate Social Responsibility    


 Reporting channel
  • When coming across incidents involving violations of ethical conduct and corporate governance regulations, all employees and suppliers could use following channels to report or appeal, and the Company will handle the matter suitably in accordance with internal regulations and procedures

Applicant Contact Number Contact Person E-mail MAIL
Employee 03-4192969 # 222 Ms Chung

No.16, Gongye 1st Rd., Pingzhen Industrial Zone,

Pingzhen Dist., 324 Taoyuan City, Taiwan.

ShareholderInvestor 03-4192969 # 706 Mr Chaing
CustomerSupplierContractor 03-4192969 # 306 Ms Yeh

ADD:No.16, Gongye 1st Rd., Pingzhen Industrial Zone, Pingzhen Dist., Taoyuan City 324, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL:+886-3-4192969 FAX:+886-3-4192968 Copyright© 2010 VPEC. All rights reserved. Site Design & Technology by FOCUS